Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tagged Again

Michael Alatorre has 'tagged' me in the quirky game. You can track him down here, but beware, he has the look of a leopard. A lot of rules here, but I'll try.

The Rules Are:

1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write 6 random things/unspectacular quirks about yourself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.

My quirks are:

One...I have no problem keeping myself company. I'm never bored. There's always something to read, write, paint, watch, make, find, put together or play.

Two...Please don't hold this against me. I do not despise "reality" TV. Right now, Wednesday is my favorite night with a full line up: ANTM (this one is a true guilty pleasure, it's so cheesy, but irresistable), Project Runway, and Top Design. Be still my heart.

Three...I like rap music. Not ALL rap music, but some of it's pretty cool. What ever happened to EM? I'm now beginning to like metal thanks to Storm the Gates.

Four...I use rollers in my hair. Who's got time to spend pulling her hair straight and under?

Five...I've created my own Sudoku solution method which works great for everything except diabolicals. At that point it, it just feels like guesswork.

Six...I hate shoes and go bare-foot most of the time.

For this social game, I'm supposed to tag six others. I'm going to follow Michael's method of using favorite books, in my case The Razor's Edge.

Amy at Rich Interior World
Ryan Burkhart at Ryan Burkhart
Dino Paxenos at MediaScapegoat
Caitlin at PurlWise
Okay, I'm tired of search for fellow Maugham fans. So if these guys haven't read it, they should.
Kevin at Shameless Creations
Michael at MSherlock
Jane at Chasing in Circles

For those interested in playing, I look forward to their posts. If they opt for not, (hopefully) no harm done.


le0pard13 said...

Nice post...and quirks. Glad I partook in this game. I'm been dropping by to read your posts, regularly. Thanks for the link.

Kevin Shamel said...

I'm playing!

Thanks, Gay. I love learning these things about you!

Anonymous said...

I missed this...its cool stuff.

Storm the Gates...whoo!

Playing this friday if you fancy a several thousand mile trip for an hour of music lol