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Friday, January 16, 2015

What Came Before First in Best Mystery Novel Poll

What Came Before won first place for Best Mystery novel in this year's Preditors and Editors poll !!!! Thank you so much to everyone who voted for my novel!!! I really appreciate the time and effort!! Hooray. You guys are the best!!! 

Standings for Mystery Novels

1. What Came Before, Gay Degani, Every Day Novels,
2. Murder on The Seine, Nancy Curteman, Solstice Publishing,
2. Hanging by a Hair, Nancy J. Cohen, Five Star Publishing,
3. Dana Marton, Forced Disappearance, Montlake,
4. Conviction of Innocence, Chet Pleban, Gypsy Shadow,
5. Deadly Puzzles, Terry Odell, Terry Odell,
6. Ripped in Two, AJ Kohler, Solstice Publishing,
6. Calculation, Steve Marini
7. Sticking Point, Susan Whitfield, Amazon,
8. Island Charms, Sharon McGregor, Whimsical Publications, LLC,
8. A Death in the Hills, Paul A. Barra, W&B Publishing,
9. Dr Chandrix Dies, Christopher D Abbott, Amazon,
10. Secrets, Lies & Homicide, Patricia Dusenbury, Uncial Press, 


What Came Before, Gay Degani, Every Day Novels

The comments below are from those who voted for this entry. 

Gay Degani's 'What Came Before' gives the reader interesting characters in a well-written novel of much mystery. I highly recommend this book.

A very visual writer, a delight to read.

I have followed her writing and love all her work.

A quick read, 'What Came Before' left me hungry for more! Degani knows how to bring characters to life and care about what happens to them. I look forward to reading more from this author!

Loved the short snappy chapters and zippy pace of this novel.

Great debut novel. T

This a fast-paced entertaining story that combines elements of a good police procedural with a family mystery. It has great pacing. The main characters are well-drawn and believable. I cared about Abby and Mackenna and I kept turning the page to find out what happened. It’s a good story.

A fast-paced murder mystery and a great character-driven story.

This author kept me on the edge of my seat and surprised me at every turn! A great read!