I'm at the point in Andre Dubus III's memoir Townie when he describes that moment in his life when he had his first very vivid realization he wanted to write. No, wait, that's not what he says. He says, he didn't want to write, he had to write.
In this part of his remembering, he has this girlfriend - one of his father's writing students. He is losing her to another man, but he's not all that certain he cares. He stops by her dorm room. She not there, but a story by the other man sits on her desk. He reads it and is carried away by the power of the story. He notices its precise language, specific details, as well as the emotion created by the text, the empathy he feels.
It is an awakening. Partly because the character in this other man's story is similar to himself: the diner busboy-dishwasher, for example, Dubus had been one. But it wasn't only that. It was that the story illustrated a moment of consciousness of conscience that Dubus had been encountering in his own life. Not just the awareness of the wrongs in the world which he'd been witnessing and going through since childhood, but the awareness that writing about these wrongs might carry weight and power.
Dubus describes a drive down the highway through a forest and how, after reading this story from his would-be rival, he finally sees trees as they really are: each one different and separate rather than an unrelenting mass of green. That same day, instead of meeting a friend for their usual workout, he sits down and writes a story.
What's interesting to me is that Dubus's father was Andre Dubus II, a man who wrote short stories and taught writing most of his life, a published, well-respected author. Children often follow in the footsteps of the parents, doctors have children who become doctors, lawyers have children who go into law, teachers beget teachers and so on. But Andre Three grew up learning to deal with his problems with his fist. Often picked on as a kid, his solution was to make himself as strong and formidable as he could through weight-lifting and boxing. His world-view was one of danger, conflict, injustice, and literally beating an aggressor to the punch. He didn't understand that words, too, could change how people think and behave and can do so on a much larger stage than what the towns along the Merrimac River represent.
I came to Andre Dubus III through his novel House of Sand and Fog. Since most of the reading I do these days must include CDs and earphones, this book just happened to be on the library's "What's New" shelf. I found it a revelation, how Dubus could bring his two antagonists so close to recognizing each other as real human beings - and thereby bring them to an understanding - and then how he snatches that opportunity from them. This novel illustrates how underneath we are all human with human needs, and how our anger and prejudice keep us from recognizing ourselves in others.
Dubus's memoir not only reveals his first awareness of his need to write, but his source material. As with most writers who draw from their own emotions, his stories are rooted in his own life, and reading Townie is like rereading and treasuring HOSAF all over again as well as The Garden of Last Days, and the stories in Dirty Love.
Reawakening to life and its many details, including the complex contradictions in our humanity, is what hooks so many writers. To write is to see the world in high relief and to relive it through the lives of the people we create. This lesson is never more clear than it is in Townie.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 16, 2015
Research: Two Wars, Three Romances in A Touch of Stardust

the novel is a romance (well, three romances actually: Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett
Butler, Carole Lombard and Clark Gable, and that of the heroine, Julie Crawford
and Andy Weinstein), it also anchors the reader in the late 1930s with some history.
- General History: Two wars, the Civil War and the Second World War as well as the US and Hollywood’s attitude toward Jews and African-Americans, Hitler’s build-up of arms and campaign against non-Aryans and Jews, and America's general attitude toward women
- Specific History: The movie industry, popular music, clothing, slang, social mores including attitudes toward premarital sex.
This is all good stuff for me as I try to get my mind into
the late 1940s. Yes, they're different eras – a world war of difference – but reading the novel has brought up some questions I need to investigate further. How much did Hollywood and American change in
their attitudes toward Jews, African-Americans, and women in those ten
I think I know the answer, at
least for women. Rosie the Riveter proved to men and women alike that females were capable of doing much of the work that
was traditionally done by men. The Civil
Rights Movement gained strength slowly after the war, but eventually grew into a powerful lobby against Jim Crow laws and inequality. To quote Sam Cook, “A Change Is Gonna Come.” As for Jewish refugees, their lot during the
war and just after war, revealed the high level of Anti-Semitism in America and
other western countries. However, awareness of the Holocaust began to influence
younger generations and some of that prejudice lessened.
My characters, Billy Eastlake, Ambie, Alma, who are key to
the prequel lived in the world when change was on the cusp but still far into
the future. Reading Alcott’s book
has suggested to me that, as she revealed the prejudices of the time in A Touch of Stardust – I need to
consider adding new characters who will do just that. I'll need to do more than this little bit of research.
As for the specific history gleaned from this book I've taken notes. I have no intention of copying any of this - clothing, music, slang of the forties is just a Google away. Rather it is the feel of the era of the 30's I've come away with and it is this same experience of time and place that I want to create for my readers. And yes, I'm aware that it is fictionalized history.
About A Touch of Stardust as posted on Amazon:
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Dressmaker comes a blockbuster novel that takes you behind the scenes of the filming of Gone with the Wind, while turning the spotlight on the passionate romance between its dashing leading man, Clark Gable, and the blithe, free-spirited actress Carole Lombard.
When Julie Crawford leaves Fort Wayne, Indiana, for Hollywood, she never imagines she’ll cross paths with Carole Lombard, the dazzling actress from Julie’s provincial Midwestern hometown.
When Julie Crawford leaves Fort Wayne, Indiana, for Hollywood, she never imagines she’ll cross paths with Carole Lombard, the dazzling actress from Julie’s provincial Midwestern hometown.
The young woman has dreams of becoming a screenwriter, but the only job Julie’s able to find is one in the studio publicity office of the notoriously demanding producer David O. Selznick, who is busy burning through directors, writers, and money as he films Gone with the Wind.
Although tensions run high on the set, Julie finds she can step onto the back lot, take in the smell of smoky gunpowder and the soft rustle of hoop skirts, and feel the magical world of Gone with the Wind come to life. Julie’s access to real-life magic comes when Carole Lombard hires her as an assistant and invites her into the glamorous world Carole shares with Clark Gable, who is about to move into movie history as the dashing Rhett Butler.
In the ever-widening scope of this story, Julie is given a front-row seat to not one but two of the greatest love affairs of all time: the undeniable on-screen chemistry between Scarlett and Rhett, and offscreen, the deepening love between Carole and Clark. Yet beneath the shiny façade, things in Hollywood are never quite what they seem, and Julie must learn to balance her career aspirations and her own budding romance with the outsized personalities and overheated drama on set. Vivid, romantic, and filled with Old Hollywood details, A Touch of Stardust will entrance, surprise, and delight.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Research Begins: What Came First
My suspense novel, What Came
Before, came out first online at Every Day Novels as a serial, seventy
chapters a day, five days a week, from March to June in 2014. It then became
available in trade paperback and in Kindle format. Almost a year later, I’m
beginning work on the prequel which will be set in the late 1940s Los Angeles
and in the fictional town of Beauport, Louisiana which means I have some reading
to do.
I did quite a bit of research for WCB, exploring both the mid-1900s as
well and the timbre of the times in 2000s in terms of the African-American
experience, but I focused my book on a middle-aged, middle-class white woman
who bears an uncomfortable resemblance to me.

Now I need to go back and research the same subjects, Hollywood, Los
Angeles, Palm Springs, the movie business, Jim Crow laws, African-American
history, Latino history, and the era of the mid-19th century. I went through my bookshelves and found some
of the references I’d collected and will share
some of my notes from this research as I work through it. I'll also reference movies etc. and what I learn from them.
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