by Barry Basden

early years were chaotic, eight or nine different schools in twelve years. Read
a lot. Hung around with poets and actors and other loners in high school. After
graduating in Houston, I bounced around the country. Lived near MacArthur Park
in LA. Rode a Greyhound to New York. Clerked. Drank. Spent a lot of time in the
Village, but made sure I read for three hours every day—Faulkner, Hemingway,
Wolfe, etc.—trying to educate myself.
back to Texas. No trade, still clerking, I took freshman English at night. The
teacher was an alcoholic, a former English professor at Notre Dame, but by then
just an adjunct trying to get his life back together. He used to sip ginger ale
with a bunch of us while we drank and listened to him in a quiet bar after class.
He seemed to know everything I wanted to learn, very supportive, urged me to
write about NYC, saw that I was published in the school magazine. My writing,
raw and terribly derivative of the Beats, gained some notoriety in that west
Texas town. The best teachers are often the kindest and I remember Mr. Mooney
fondly all these years later.

finished school on the GI Bill, 3 years in 18 months, top accounting grad, a
piece of cake because all I had to do was go to class and do the assignments. I
became a CPA and spent several years auditing youth training centers, wildlife
refuges, and Indian affairs throughout the West, trying to make the world a
little better place.
I worked for years as a financial manager for the military in Europe. There I
found Annie Proulx's Heart Songs and Carver's What We Talk About. I now know
that Gordon Lish had a lot to do with why I couldn't read Carver's book without
I retired, I did oral histories for a WWII museum, writing up war stories that
got filed away in dusty archives. That's how I met Charlie Scheffel, a combat
infantry officer who fought in North Africa and Europe. I found his story
riveting and it eventually became Crack! and Thump, published in 2007. The book
still gets nice reviews on Amazon. It's actually a memoir in flash and writing
it helped me find my natural way to tell stories.
I began
to read and write flash and micro fiction and later founded Camroc Press Review
that focused on stories under 500 words. I couldn’t seem to get enough of it
and ran CPR for 7 years before closing down last year.
keep plugging away at my own stuff. I’m not prolific by any means, but I’ve
turned out a couple hundred flashes, some of it collected, with a chapbook
related to war coming out perhaps this summer. I love trying to hone a story
down to its essence. It's something I hope to spend the rest of my life doing,
happy that my long strange journey has led me to such a perfect place.
MacArthur Park Photo:"Macarthur Park" by Wurzeller at English Wikipedia - Self-photographed. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons